Bowen says no to hay fever

Bowen says no to hay fever

Are you searching for a natural way to relieve Hay Fever symptoms this year? What if you discovered a complementary therapy that works? Many of my clients have found lasting relief with Bowen Therapy experiencing no itchy eyes, no nosebleeds, no runny nose, and an overall sense of well-being. Read testimonials and learn how Bowen Therapy can help you enjoy a symptom-free season.

How Diamond Dac went from severe pain in the shoulder and arm to being pain free thanks to Bowen Therapy

How Diamond Dac went from severe pain in the shoulder and arm to being pain free thanks to Bowen Therapy

Injuries to the shoulder and arm can lead to a frozen shoulder, including tendinitis, rotator cuff injury or bursitis. Diamond Dac had all the symptoms of the frozen shoulder, which he wasn’t yet diagnosed with: severe pain, stiffness, and loss of range of motion of the shoulder, increased pain with use. He couldn’t reach behind his back, either lift up the arm to the shoulder level. He struggled to lift the left arm at 85 degrees. Sleep was also very uncomfortable. Anyone who has suffered from shoulder pain…

Perform better after Sports injuries with the help of Bowen Therapy

Perform better after Sports injuries with the help of Bowen Therapy

Len loves climbing and sometimes she gets sports injuries to the shoulders, wrists and fingers. These sports injuries don’t stop her to continue her job or passions because she discovered Bowen Therapy years ago.
Since then she successfully addresses the sports injuries with this gentle but effective manual therapy.

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