Perform better after Sports injuries with the help of Bowen Therapy

by | Oct 16, 2017

Recovering from Sports injuries with the Bowen Therapy

Len is a school teacher (Music) who does climbing as a hobby. Sometimes she gets injuries to the shoulders, wrists and fingers during climbing. These injuries don’t stop her to continue her job or passions because she discovered Bowen Therapy years ago. Since then she successfully addresses the sports injuries with this gentle but effective manual therapy. As a result, she can continue practising both music and climbing.

Here is what she has written to me regarding her progress after the Bowen treatments I performed on her shoulder and fingers:

You’re a miracle worker! Already, the stiffness and discomfort in my finger is significantly reduced. I’ve started doing (gentle) wrist curls with small dumbbells to help strengthen the ligament which is helping a lot.
Shoulders are gradually clicking in place, so all good so far 😊
Thank you again, I feel like I’m steadily re-gaining full strength again.

Some snaps of me looking very, very happy climbing 😊 thanks to my treatment, I can continue to train and enjoy even more!

Thank you again – today was some of my strongest climbing and I see improvements in my shoulder and indeed everywhere each week!

So – still more progress to report 😊 my right finger has reduced in swelling so much now that I can fit rings on that wouldn’t fit before. There is a very slight stiffness which is easily relieved with gentle stretching. The pain is so slight now that I hardly notice it unless I knock my hand.

Here’s another snap from last night. It was the first time I managed to climb the tallest wall at Manchester Climbing Centre.

As always, many thanks. I love feeling the extra enjoyment returning in my sporting and musical activities.


Look, People, it’s possible…

Your Life is in Your Hands, Make it beautiful! Live life to the full! And book your Bowen session. It may be the answer to your problems.

Honestly, when I see her so excited about getting over the injuries and continue to exercise at an even higher level of difficulty, I feel I could shout out loud.

Bowen Therapy is ideal for sports injuries and preventative body maintenance. Many top athletes and sports people find that regular Bowen Therapy treatments reduce the number of incidents of injury.

To book your Bowen treatment or discuss your symptoms, please do not hesitate to contact me.

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Find out how you can prevent and treat the sports injuries with the Bowen Therapy  Read more

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