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Frequently asked questions

Is Bowen a form of massage?

No, Bowen works in a completely different way. The gentle moves can be performed through light clothing and no oils or prolonged pressure is used. Between each set of moves, there is a necessary break of a few minutes, when the patient rests alone while the body is taking the necessary time to process the messages and initiate the healing mechanisms.

How many treatments will I need to have?

Everyone responds differently but, on average, the number of treatments required for a stiff neck or back is around three. Some problems need more treatments and some even fewer, but you should in most cases start to see change fairly quickly. It has been commented that the Bowen technique is possibly the greatest discovery ever in health care. Such comments are born out of the amazing results obtained throughout the world by this non-invasive, all-embracing modality.

What should I wear for a Bowen treatment?

Bowen can be carried out through light clothing. Try to wear something lightweight and non-slippery. A cotton T-shirt and thin trousers/leggings/shorts are ideal.

How long is a session?

A session usually lasts one hour, but some sessions could take up to 45 min or 75 min and frequently results in a deep sense of relaxation, allowing the body to recharge and balance itself.

Who could have Bowen?

Bowen can be applied to everyone: newborns, babies, pregnant women, athletes, elderly people, abled or non-abled people, etc.

Can I mix Bowen with other complementary therapies?

No. It’s important not to receive any other physical treatments for at least 7 days before or after a Bowen treatment. Mixing treatments can result in the body becoming overloaded with different information, and may affect the outcome of the treatment.

Does it involve jerky movements?

The experience of a treatment is gentle, subtle and relaxing. The Bowen technique is without sudden movements, cracks, or prolonged pressures, there is no rubbing or friction in the movement. It is one of the more gentle manual techniques that exist, and probably one of the most powerful. This softness makes it suitable for almost anyone, from newborn to the elderly.



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