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How Diamond Dac went from severe pain in the shoulder and arm to being pain free thanks to Bowen Therapy

Diamond Dac --- pain in shoulder and arm

How Diamond Dac went from severe pain in the shoulder and arm to being pain free thanks to Bowen Therapy

by | Jan 19, 2018

Find out how Diamond Dac recovered from severe pain in shoulder and arm thanks to Bowen Therapy

Derek, with his stage name Diamond Dac, was one of many clients who came to try Bowen therapy for pain in his shoulder and arm.

Injuries or illness both physical or mental can happen to anyone, but the important factor is how you react!
Do you lock yourself up in your home, forget your favourite activities and start wondering why it happened to you?
Sometimes this can be a benefit, providing you with some thinking time so you can take a look at your habits. Assess what you are doing wrong, where you can improve and research your solution options. And this is the point I would like you to be at: ‘ start searching for solutions’. Visit your Doctor, read, speak to your friends, and eventually, you will find the best way to overcome the problem, be it physical discomfort; pain; an illness; or an emotional or mental problem.

Diamond Dac, one of the best acoustic artists in the UK and Number One in the Reverbnation charts, had driven 2000 miles 5-week road trip in Spain performing gigs and concerts most days and also playing golf…With absolutely no pain. Prior to this, he was suffering from severe pain in shoulder and arm, restricted mobility in the left upper arm from torn rotator cuff, for nearly two months without any sign of improvement. Imagine how many gears he would need to change on a driving trip to Spain! But he did it after he had several Bowen therapy sessions which literally gave him his life back.


Here is what Diamond Dac says

After a visit to my Doctor suffering from severe pain and restricted mobility in my upper arm and shoulder, it revealed a torn rotator cuff and damaged muscles and told it could take many months to repair. I had been suffering pain and anxiety for over six weeks with no sign of getting any better and after hearing about The Bowen Technique from a friend I went online and found one of the most experienced and the most qualified Bowen Practitioner, Camelia Pop, in the North of England.

Camelia explained everything in detail and the whole experience is very relaxing and very pleasant, and within 48 hours I was feeling measurably better each day, and with increasing mobility…Before the treatment, I could not rehearse, perform guitar concerts, play golf, or even change gear in my car without excruciating pain.

Diamond Dac

Injuries to the shoulder can lead to a frozen shoulder, including tendinitis, rotator cuff injury or bursitis. Diamond Dac had all the symptoms of the frozen shoulder, which he wasn’t yet diagnosed with: severe pain, stiffness, and loss of range of motion of the shoulder, increased pain with use. He couldn’t reach behind his back, either lift up the arm to the shoulder level. He struggled to lift the left arm at 85 degrees. Sleep was also very uncomfortable. Anyone who has suffered from shoulder pain understands why!

Now Diamond is as active as before, he plays the guitar, sings at Festivals, parties, and radio. Plays Golf and is preparing to release two new albums this year (2018). It’s no wonder that HLUK (Holmfirth Press) and Live UK have called him ‘a tremendous talent’…

When I saw his schedule for 2017 I understood how important it was for him to be able to rehearse pain-free, have a good nights sleep and be confident so that he could carry on his beloved activities.

I have seen so many people who were worrying or suffering from anxiety because they were unable to continue with their work, their duties and/or their hobbies, because their body was no longer able to cope. But I can also assure you I have seen many people who found the therapies that work for them and had their lives back, enabling them to continue with their plans, projects, fun and fulfilling activities. I wish you for you to find your best therapy solutions too, and when you want to try Bowen for yourself, just get in touch!
Personally, I am still impressed with how effective is Bowen Therapy.

And because this is a post about shoulder problems, you can read here and here the results of two research studies of the effectiveness of Bowen technique in the management of clients with frozen shoulder.

See you soon

Remember Bowen is great for top up sessions when your body feels less flexible or when you need more energy too!!

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